
• Full commitment and focus in all classes and
• BTEC students are expected to conduct themselves
in a professional and courteous manner.
• Be prepared for high level, challenging training.
• Achieve a minimum of 86% attendance each
academic year.
• Treat all teachers and fellow classmates with
respect at all times. Disrespectful or disruptive
behaviour will not be tolerated and will lead to
disciplinary action.
• Maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to maximise
the opportunities that the BTEC has to offer. The
demands that students place on their bodies while
training will mean that they need to look after
themselves carefully. Students should make sure
they get enough sleep, eat well and bring a bottle
of water to every class.
• Ask questions and to let us know of any problems.
If you inform us of any problems we can support
you and you should ask questions about anything
that you are unsure of.
• Inform teachers of any pain or injury before or
during class.
• Be appropriately dressed for all classes and
• Take responsibility to warm up before all classes
and to carry out any supplementary training
outside of class time.
• Be self-motivated and take responsibility for your
own progress in dance.
• Be responsive to feedback.
• Meet all BTEC assessment deadlines. You will be
provided clear guidance on submission deadlines.
Approval for late submissions must be given by
your teacher for genuine reasons.
• Complete your best possible work at the first
submission. You will also need to consider the
quality of your written communication and
presentation skills to meet level 3 criteria.
• Complete all work and assignments independently
(unless otherwise directed). Plagiarism is not
acceptable and could result in disciplinary action.
• Represent Nova Arts and VLUK acting in good faith,
demonstrate appropriate behaviour and lead by
Key Contacts
Lisa Beebe
College Director
07939 223 114